We will have Eucharistic Adoration in the church on Thursdays from 9:30 AM – 6:00 PM. We ask that as you leave Adoration, that you sanitize your area with the provided wipes in the middle aisle of the Church. A mask is required.
Confessions are held at the grotto on Saturday mornings from 8:30 – 9:30 AM. Masks must be worn with social distancing.
Our Mass schedule will be as usual with 140 capacity (40%) at each Mass with social distancing. If the church is filled to capacity, the mass will be live streamed at the church hall with Communion available to those in attendance. Everyone at Mass must wear masks inside the church to prevent the spread of the virus. Face shields alone are not allowed. Please enter the church by using the front doors only.
Families and couples are permitted to sit together in the same pew.
The Chaplet of Divine Mercy will be said 30 minutes before the 8:00 AM Mass on Sunday.
Our church will be sanitized after each weekend Mass.
Thank you for your financial support of our parish. Your donations can be made by mail or dropping your envelopes off at the office.
The obligation to attend Mass is not in effect and there is no sin if you do not attend Sunday Mass.
The elderly, sick and those with health issues are encouraged not to attend Mass.
All Masses will be live-streamed and can be watched anytime during the day at your convenience on our website.
Contact our food pantry if food or other items are needed.
Our parish is accepting donations of food and other items to help those in need.
Please call our parish office if we can be of any help in any way.